Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Color Theory

Color Theory

  • Define hue:is the word that best describes a color.
  • Define value:Lightness or Darkness of a color.

    1. ​Example: Choose your favorite color. Demonstrate VALUE using 7+ photos (light to dark of your chosen hue). Canvas specs above
  • Define saturation:
  • How many colors are available on our computers?
  • Define secondary color:
  • Define tertiary color:
  • Define complementary colors:
    Example of a PhotoShop Color Wheel
    1. Example of a Traditional Wheel
      Find, copy and and place captions of a  Traditional Color Wheel and aPhotoshop Color Wheel
  • What are the primary colors in Photoshop?
  • What are the secondary colors in Photoshop?
  • Define subtractive color model:
  • Define additive color model:
  • Is RGB additive or subtractive?
  • What is the CYYK color model used for?
  • Define analogous colors:
  • Define tint:
  • Define shade:
  • Define neutral:
  • Define monochromatic:
    1. ​Example: Create a canvas demonstrating a grayscale color scheme from White to Black using 7+ photos. Canvas specs above
  • What can be said in general about warm colors?
  • What can be said in general about cool colors?
  • Which color is associated with stability?
  • Which color symbolizes royalty?
  • Which is the color of cleanliness?
  • Which color symbolism freshness?
  • Which colors are associated with joy?
  • Which color symbolizes passion and danger?
  • Wednesday, January 28, 2015

    Animated GIF

    Please Check Out My Animated GIFs I created using Photoshop.
    If you find that are not playing, click the refresh button above.

    Launching Rocket With Surprise Ending 

                                                          Support Your Colony Soccer Team

    Friday, December 12, 2014

    My Future Vision

    My Future Hopes, Dreams and Desires. Designed By Matthew R ©2014
       I hope for a career and not just a job. At this point in my life I would probably like to be a a Probation Officer/ParoleOfficer or possibly a Social Worker.  Helping people with problems can maybe help me with my problems in my life, from past experiences it has proved true. When you help others it takes the focus off of yourself sometimes. Even with that its already a plus to service people, for in my opinion a life not spent helping those around you is a waisted one.

       My happiness would be one that emanates from the peace I hope to one day obtain within myself. I believe I can only stay happy if I have my family and my music. Music is one the greatest things and tools I've had to utilize to save me from my problems, I would surly be lost without it. If I had lost the ability to sing or play guitar I would most likely then lose my happiness and no longer be content. Skating and surfing are things I don't have the time I used to have to enjoy, but without them and their experiences I have had with them my discontent would grow immensely.

      Furthering my education is essential in my life continuing on after high school It is in my greatest hopes to attend a private Christian university by the name of California Baptist University. I hope to study, not only things that can further my chances in receiving the job I long for, but to further my musical capabilities and even my spiritual growth in my faith with God. It is in my greatest hopes that after all of my education I can have an outlook on life as a whole and not just what surrounds my convenience. I hope to view my own existence as much more than just another human being trying to make it in  concrete jungle, but a human with hopes dreams and ambition. I feel that this college would be perfect to suffice these wants and desires of mine that I want so badly to conquer, simply for its drive in diversity and acceptance in individualism, as opposed to many other so called 'promising' institutes that claim a title of 'privilege' and 'acceptance', CBU actually employs that title and makes use of its virtues and applies them to its students.

    Thursday, December 11, 2014

    The World Would Be a Better Place If...

    "Open Your Eyes" designed by, Matthew R ©2014
      In the image above I created with Photoshop, it shows and projects a feeling of discontent with how we perceive our world and what we are doing to it. The planets observe and cry for their fellow being as it cries for help from a people and an industry that is killing it and destroying its beauty over time.
    It depicts a cry for help, The world would be a better place if we respected our planet and strived for something other than industry and other materialistic items.
      I began working on this project by envisioning how I perceived the world and perhaps how the world could improve to in fact be a better place.  I swiped pictures from websites of planets and placed eyes of humans on them to create a picture of personification, then continued to place them in the scenario of witnessing a terrible act. I then began to incorporate more images to finish the project. With the brush tool i created two distinct clouds of smoke or pollution and wrote in the Hope and Help to signify the distance from one another and how we could reach one or the other.

    I didn't follow anyones "Tutorial" for the project for I feel that it defeats the entire purpose of making something like a piece of art your own if you just, for example decided to paint starry night with a few extra stars in it and call it your own. My project may not be booming with brilliant creativity but its at least my own creativity. But if I had to choose an inspiration for the image I would have to say it was from this Tutorial